"Nemo" Game - Character Design/Animation

I was the Character Animation Director on a "Finding Nemo" based game for asian social network markets. HotDog Studio, a subsidiary of NC Soft Inc., hired me to redesign several characters in a 2D format and do all Character Animation using proprietary software.

2D Character Designs (click image for full size):

Animation was built from a sheet of body part divisions I made. This is the sheet for 'Pearl', a young octopus:

Gameplay Animation samples:

"Fire Busters" iOS Game Development

Art and Animation Direction for the Korean team of in-house artists at HotDog Studio, a subsidiary of NC Soft Inc. A top-down-view game where the player controls up to 3 firefighters.

Character Designs


Story Art

Preliminary animation used for an Idle cycle and a water hose spray cycle.

"Jungle Jim" TV Animation Development

Revising a concept my client had from 1995, my job was to update the character designs and create a story around the song. All background and character animation are vectors.

"Max Relax" Book Illustration - Color Rendering

My job was to revise the half of the book that had already been color rendered by another artist. Changes were made to the character design as well as other revisions to be done. Then I completely rendered the other half, which was only done in pencil. All images used with permission by my client Janis Vaile.